Strongbox AS ئاپەکان

Sleep. by Bertrand 1.0
Strongbox AS
Are you always tired when you wake up? Do youfeel that you lack energy during the day? Do you get enough sleep?Sleep. by Bertrand is a tool to help you get enough sleep. Byknowing when you have to get up, Sleep. by Bertrand can tell youwhen it's time to go to bed. Take charge of your sleep and get abetter life.Evening rituals are the key to a good night of sleep. Sleep. byBertrand will help you establish good evening rituals by sendingyou notifications prior to your bedtime.Sleep. by Bertrand is fully integrated with HealthKit, a platformwhere all your health and fitness apps share their data to get abetter view of your overall health. Use Sleep. by Bertrand withHealthKit to see how your sleep impacts your physicalcondition.Sleep better, live better.Sleep By BertrandFeatures:- Reverse alarm clock- Sleep tracker- Sleeping podcast- Reminders- Scheduled alarms- Binaural Beats- Sleep Analysis- Background mode- Track sleep cycles
Helvetesuka v1.0.5
Strongbox AS
Appen er basert på innholdet iboka”Helvetesuka”, av Erik Bertrand Larssen, og hjelper deg overdetøffeste kneikene og de lengste timene i din egenhelvetesuke.Daglige podcasts fra forfatteren, filmer, motivasjonogoppmuntring, og ikke minst en svært effektiv vekkerklokke somfårdeg opp av senga når det er som tyngst. Denne appen kan gi degdetlille ekstra i uka som kan forandre livet ditt.Disclaimer: Denne appen er laget utelukkende for å motiveredeg.Alarmen er basert på push-tjenester og for at den skal fungeremådu sørge for å ha en aktiv internettilkobling, slå av"Ikkeforstyrr" og pass på at telefonen ikke står på lydløs. Vi kanikkegarantere at push notifications alltid kommer gjennom siden deteravhengig av tredjepartsleverandør, så vi kan heller ikkegarantereat alarmen alltid vil virke. Det er derfor en god idé å haflerevekkerklokker når du skal opp tidlig.The app is based onthecontents of the book "Helvetesuka" by Erik Larssen Bertrandandhelp you over the toughest Kneikene and the longest hours inyourown helvetesuke. Daily podcasts of the author, movies,motivationand encouragement, not to mention a very effective alarmclock thatgets you out of bed when there are heaviest. This app cangive youthat little extra a week that can change your life.Disclaimer: This app is only designed to motivate you. Thealarmis based on push services and for it to work you must makesure tohave an active Internet connection, turn off the "Do NotDisturb"and make sure the phone is not on silent. We can notguarantee thatpush notifications always come through since itrelies onthird-party provider, so we can not guarantee that thealarm willalways work. It is therefore a good idea to have severalalarmclocks when you get out early.